Aaron Francis is a doctoral student at the University of Waterloo, a multidisciplinary artist and a curator. In the past year, Aaron has exhibited works from his Vintage Black Canada initiative at the BAND Gallery Toronto, the Gladstone Hotel Toronto, the Contact Photography Festival, and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo. The former chair of the City of Kitchener’s Arts and culture advisory committee, most recently in June of this year Aaron co-organized and marshalled the KW Solidarity March that saw an estimated 30,000 attendees.
We sat down with Aaron on Wednesday October 27 to discuss his work, motivation and how he is feeling during this time of social uprising and exposure of racial injustice. It was an insightful discussion that can be found via our InstagramTV
Before Vintage Black Canada Aaron spent a number of years working with recording artists and media professionals.
You can also learn more about Aron and his work at by linked HERE
